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Author: ~Meenu~


  1. 1
    Identify your patient                                                        .

  2. 2
    Assemble your supplies.                                            

  3. 3
    Wear gloves                                                                         .

  4. 4
    Decide which arm you will be drawing from or let your patient decide and tie the tourniquet 2-3 inches from the antecubital fossa.              

  5. 5
    If no veins are palpable, have the patient make a fist. Don't allow the patient to pump his/her fist                                                                             .

  6. 6
    Once a suitable vein is found, disinfect the area with the alcohol wipe.                              

  7. 7
    Remove the tourniquet until ready to draw. The specimen will be inaccurate and damage to the patient can be caused if the tourniquet is left on longer than a minute.

  8. 8
    Allow the alcohol on the skin to dry completely.

  9. 9
    Do not touch the venipuncture site again.

  10. 10
    With the needle attached to the tube holder and a tube loosely in the holder, ensure that the bevel of the needle is pointing up.

  11. 11

    Anchor the vein from below the intended puncture 
    site using the thumb of the opposite hand, and insert the needle at no more than 15 degrees.                                                          

  12. 12
    Push the tube onto the needle and check for blood flow.

  13. 13
    Allow the tube to fill. Remove the filled tube from the tube holder.                                                    

  14. 14
    Remove the tourniquet once the first tube starts to fill.

  15. 15
    Mix the contents if tube used has additives.

  16. 16
    Fill remaining tubes and repeat previous step. When last tube is filled, remove vacutube.

  17. 17
    Have a piece of gauze ready in the opposite (anchoring) hand, remove needle, and place gauze on top of the venipuncture site. Apply pressure.

  18. 18
    Activate the needle's safety feature and discard the needle in a sharps container.

  19. 19
    Label the tubes.                                                           

  20. 20
    Ensure that the patient has stopped bleeding, and apply tape and gauze, or a bandage to the venipuncture site.

  21. 21
    Discard waste and put materials away              
  22. VIDEO :


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